Quality real estate appraisals in and around Crittenden County.

No matter what type of property is in question, our knowledge of local neighborhoods and hours of study as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in Shelby County for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.

Leading appraisal experts for:

  • Primary and Secondary Mortgages
  • Private Mortgage Insurance Removal
  • Estate Planning
  • Divorce Settlement
  • Tax Assessment Disputes
  • Retrospective Valuations
  • Employee Relocation
  • REO Valuations
  • Litigation
  • FHA 203K

Crews Appraisal Company

Crittenden Appraiser

Although appraising becomes a more and more complex task every year , we're able to keep our rates affordable yet always meet or exceed our clients' expectations by relying on technology. And first and foremost, we are mindful of the importance of customer service. You'll be treated with the utmost respect in all aspects of working and communicating with Crews Appraisal Company. The end result is simply the best possible experience for our customers. Call us today, and let us prove to you why we're different.

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